Controlled Dice Throwing Craps

Controlled shooting (a.k.a. Dice control) is the practice of tossing the dice in a consistent manner. The goal is to throw dice in the same manner every time and limit random randomness. The best way to do this is by holding the dice in a certain way (a.k.a. Setting) and lightly tossing them so that they barely touch the back wall. 'Dice control' or 'dice setting' is an advantage play technique used in craps to set and throw the dice in such a way as to make the dice more likely to land on certain numbers. Skeptics assert that controlling the dice in this way is practically impossible, but notable gambling experts like Michael Shackleford and Stanford Wong seem to give. The objective of dice control is to avoid throwing the seven. That’s because once a point number is established in craps, a subsequent throw of 7 will result in most players losing (i.e., those players betting with the shooter will lose).

  1. Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Against
  2. Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Machine
  3. Controlled Dice Throwing Craps
  4. Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Table
  5. Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Machines
You crack me up, you’re a really smart guy, I would think that you could have seen the hand writing on the wall by now. You got the videos that show the dice bouncing all over the craps table when you throw them. In your videos you show that you can’t hit the same spot on the table every time, yes I know that you can ride a bike and play a video game and beat it because you have played the same game thousands of times. The game responds the same way every time, when you do a certain move. It will do that every time you do that move, dice being dropped or rolled will not respond the same way every time as you believe.
A human is not capable of making a shot with the dice that will land every time in the same spot with the same amount of energy on the dice. Every throw you make will be different, sure the dice may end up on the points that you want to see some of the times, but not all of the times! Even without the dice hitting the back wall once the dice or die hits the table it is bouncing all over the place.
Now I know that you are going to say that the video I shot doesn’t prove a thing, as I would like to point out it’s not a very scientific way of trying to prove something like dice control , but as everybody can see in this video the dice do not land the same way every time. I only used one die so you can’t say that the dice hit or something like that happened. The drop to the table was only six inches, with the same speed every time on the dice.
In this short video you will see clumping of numbers, the same thing happens of real craps tables, where you may see three hard eights in a series of roll. When you have, let’s say 1511 rolls of the dice, in those rolls you might see one two or three hard ways come before you roll a soft one. At the same time you will see one number clumping for a while then go away. Then you might see one more number start to do the same thing.Throwing
If you only look a one little snippet of those 1511 roll any thing that look good to you may trigger your brain to think that you are doing something special when all it is is the numbers clumping.
The rolls in this little video shows that numbers do come in clump.
The one thing to remember with this video is the dice never hit the back wall, just think what would have happened if they did, would you see more randomness or do you think you would see less? You can try to build the perfect machine to do what your dream says you can do or will you go down in flames, when you fin out that it can’t be done. Now I didn’t mean that you couldn’t build a machine that would throw the dice the same way every time, all I’m saying is even if you could, you would still be facing the one thing that bets everybody on a craps table and that is the house edge!
TableWhat most players don’t understand is that when they casinos are losing they are still winning on every bet you place, unless you are taking the so called free odds, even then you are still paying a vig, because you have to make a pass line bet!
They win on every bet do you? The answer would be no, because unlike the casinos, they even win on the winning points that you get paid on, you don’t! They take out their vig on every bet on the table, so they grind down you bankroll over time.

Generally, the dice do not have to 'bounce' off of the back wall -- they just have to touch the wall. If one makes a perfect throw in which the dice fly through the air and come to an instant stop, 'lodging' themselves in the 'wedge' between the wall and the felt, the toss is usually allowed.

Well I don’t know where you are playing at, but where I play they would take the dice off you for making a shot that just touched the back wall without bouncing back off the wall, every time you made a shot! Casinos are not in business to be your personal ATM.
Note, all my post start with this is just my opinion...!
You do good brada ..!
Winning comes from knowledge and skill when your betting and not reading fiction!
Note, all my post start with this is just my opinion...! You do good brada ..! superrick Winning comes from knowledge and skill when your betting and not reading fiction ...
Thanks, Rick. Awesome stuff.
FWIW you crack me up even more, Rick.
Well, I finally figured out how to get a simple mechanism to allow me to consistently control the amount of backspin. It took a couple of days. I will post up some photos soon. That was awesome to see more of Super Rick's setup and his video. Rick has given me a lot of constructive criticism. But the relationship between him and me is something akin to the relationship that I think Steve Weibe had with Roy Schildt.
That Roy is quite a character too. I got to meet both of these guys at the first time while they where filming King of Kong. Roy took Steve under his wing much like Super Rick took me under his wing when I got shot down years ago talking about rolling more than a random amount of hardways way back when on Wizard of Vegas.
For those who don't remember two years ago, this was the post when Super Rick read my story and introduced himself as someone who was more accepting of the possibility of being able to influence the dice on his forum.
Nevertheless, I'm having to go it alone (without Rick's support) these days. I appreciate Rick's continued interest in what I'm doing but hopefully it's understood that I've moved on and need to go and do things on my own. It's really been about 18 months since I left Rick's forum to start up now really. But like I said, I do appreciate the continued interest on Rick's part.
More on Mr. Awesome
Wow, that guy really _is_ awesome.
Controlled dice throwing craps against

Generally, the dice do not have to 'bounce' off of the back wall -- they just have to touch the wall. If one makes a perfect throw in which the dice fly through the air and come to an instant stop, 'lodging' themselves in the 'wedge' between the wall and the felt, the toss is usually allowed.

I think if a shooter were able to do this consistently, the house would quickly implement the 'bounce back six inches' rule, or 'bounce back two feet' rule. In every regulated jurisdiction I know of, the house can call 'no roll' for whatever reason they want. It even says so specifically in the New Jersey regs. I just think it's a waste of time attempting to practice (or mechanically test) a throwing technique that, when perfected, is so consistent that the house notices and makes you stop using it. I think the real test would be to make the dice results look uniformly random, but not *act* uniformly random.
'In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice.' -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563

I think if a shooter were able to do this consistently, the house would quickly implement the 'bounce back six inches' rule, or 'bounce back two feet' rule. In every regulated jurisdiction I know of, the house can call 'no roll' for whatever reason they want. It even says so specifically in the New Jersey regs. I just think it's a waste of time attempting to practice (or mechanically test) a throwing technique that, when perfected, is so consistent that the house notices and makes you stop using it. I think the real test would be to make the dice results look uniformly random, but not *act* uniformly random.

I agree with this generalization. Many people can't wrap their heads around a controlled throw that appears random, and that's a big reason I want to demonstrate a controlled throw that looks controlled. Just a milestone in the journey really.
Demonstrating a controlled throw that looks random is further down the path if I can make the first milestone. The I think the first milestone is simpler as a sanity check along the way.

If you only look a one little snippet of those 1511 roll any thing that look good to you may trigger your brain to think that you are doing something special when all it is is the numbers clumping.
The rolls in this little video shows that numbers do come in clump.
The one thing to remember with this video is the dice never hit the back wall, just think what would have happened if they did, would you see more randomness or do you think you would see less?

Nice video.

Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Against

In a dice roll multinomial distribution, clumping can easily be seen
to not be random or return a distribution that looks not to be random or can look to be random. How can one tell??
It really depends on the expected number of clumps (runs) to be expected in N rolls.
The 60 rolls in the above vid produced this time series, one can easily see runs and the lengths.
In Excel one can also quickly see the distribution and do a chi-squared test for randomness

But what about the same distribution but a different time series.
Now the chi-squared test still shows the same result
Is this still random??? Can a DI produce this??
or this one... less random??
Dicesame chi-squared test result for randomness
Can a DI produce this one??
what IS more impressive?
producing a distribution that has acceptable results by values or
by acceptable streaks or runs or clumps.
how about a multinomial runs test,
later... Candy Time

Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Machine

Trick or Treat!
winsome johnny (not Win some johnny)

Many people can't wrap their heads around a controlled throw that appears random,

Many people can't wrap their heads around a random throw that appears controlled,
winsome johnny (not Win some johnny)

Controlled Dice Throwing Craps

Many people can't wrap their heads around a random throw that appears controlled,

Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Table

Very clever that response,

Controlled Dice Throwing Craps Machines

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